Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 5/8/13

Approved on 6/5/13

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser, Chair  

Anne Bingham

Rob Maidman, Clerk  

Pat Pannone

David Milowe, Vice Chair  

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Other Attendees

Mark Iverson




Vice Chair David Milowe called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and read the Chair’s Report.  


Meeting Dates

The Board agreed that the next meeting dates will be 6/5, 6/19, 7/10 and 7/31.


May Town Meeting Articles

The Board discussed that all Town Meeting articles as pertained to the Planning Board votes passed.


Ms. Bingham said that she thinks more respect is owed to the Planning Board as being the zoning authority. She expressed her frustration that the changes were to rapid and not enough time and attention was given.


Mr. Milowe said he hopes the lead time will be more sufficient in the future.


Mr. O’Cain says that things are usually last minute.


Mr. Maidman said he is not sure there is an alternative.


Mr. O’Cain said filings of zoning changes are being done by the applicant The Planning Board has the option to not approve it to be given to Town Meeting.


Mr. Hauser said this year we have not been proactive on zoning. He suggests that redevelopment is coming and we are not ready for it. We tried to pass in the fall that the Planning Board have power – not all the ZBA. The Planning Board does not get to oversee implementation. In Post Office Square we have review and not approval.


Mr. Pannone shared his experience in working with Worcester on projects where pre meetings are held with in all groups representative of all boards to discuss and communicate on the front end.



Mr. Milowe moved to approve the minutes of 4/24/13 as written. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-1 (Bingham) in favor.


ANR 21 Deborah Sampson

An ANR for 21 Deborah Sampson prepared for Jolin Corp by Miller Engineering and dated 4/30/2013 was discussed. Mr. O’Cain reviewed the ANR against the check list. Mr. Maidman moved to approve under the subdivision control law as approval not required, the plan submitted by Miller Engineering for 21 Deborah Sampson dated 4/30/2013 for 4 lots. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of approval.



1. A scenic road hearing is set for 6/5/13.

2. Mr. O’Cain had the Board sign the approved copies of the zoning maps which had been approved at May Town Meeting.

3. Mr. Milowe moved to accept the revised scenic road regulations as changed by Ms. Cheyer on 5/8/13. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of the change.



Mr.  Milowe moved to adjourn at 8:15 PM. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 to adjourn.



1. ANR 21 Deborah Sampson